Priority based budgeting (PBB) is a leading best practice in local government and a powerful lever for change. ResourceX provides the software solution and powerful analytic tools to implement a priority-based budget, developing and applying program level data to exponentially improve results for citizens and the community.
ResourceX has partnered with over 300 local government organizations (cities, counties, special districts, school districts, etc.) across North America, and is recognized as a leading practice by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the National League of Cities (NLC), and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
Our goal is nothing less than to fundamentally change how resource allocation decisions are made in local government, and are actively doing so! Our partners and clients are achieving upwards of 13% resource reallocation and repurposing year-on-year. In addition, they are expanding programs most aligned with community priorities and funding new programs to meet new community needs (climate change, equity, sustainability, COVID, homelessness, addiction, etc.).
The purpose of our work is to create a practical vehicle to discover and take advantage of every opportunity to free-up and reallocate resources, as well as to maximize new revenue, in order to fund the programs required to produce a better future.